In Memory: Immanuel Wallerstein

Immanuel Wallerstein, renowned sociologist and economic historian, died at the age of eight-eight on August 31, 2019. His pioneering work on world systems theory laid the foundation for generations of scholars in global and transnational sociology. 

Wallerstein’s thinking was forged during the twenty years he spent travelling in Africa during the 1950s and 1960s, observing and researching the continent’s mass movements for decolonization. Throughout his subsequent intellectual career, Wallerstein inspired students to think globally, historically, and critically about the origins and causes of social inequalities through capital accumulation. Alongside his three part magnum opus, The Modern World-System, his other notable works include Transforming the Revolution (with Amin, Arrighi, and Frank), Race, Nation, Class (with Étienne Balibar), and After Liberalism.

In addition to his scholarly work, Wallerstein maintained a blog where he posted twice a month. His 500th and final post can be read here. Members may also be interested in a wonderful interview he did in 2010 with the great Grace Lee Boggs. Also, see the following links for obituaries: