A composite map of Europe, Asia, and North Africa from the Kitāb nuzhat al-mushtāq fī ikhtirāq al-āfāq (“The Excursion of One Who is Eager to Traverse the Regions of the World”), drafted by the Moroccan cartographer Muhammad al-Idrisi in 1154. The map is oriented with the North at the bottom and the South at the top.


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Award Winners 2024

  • Best Scholarly Book Award
    • Elena Shih, Manufacturing Freedom: Sex Work, Anti-Trafficking Rehab, and the Racial Wages of Rescue: University of California Press, 2023
    • Honorable Mentions:
      • Julian Go, Policing Empire: Militarization, Race, and the Imperial Boomerang in Britain and the US: Oxford University Press, 2023
      • Areej Sabbagh-Khoury, Colonizing Palestine: The Zionist Left and the Making of the Palestinian Nakba: Stanford University Press, 2023
  • Best Scholarly Article Award
    • Winner: Jack Jin Gary Lee, “Racialized Legalities: The Rule of Law, Race, and the Protection of Women in Britain’s Crown Colonies, 1886–1890.” Law & Social Inquiry, 2023
    • Honorable Mention:
      • Anna Skarpelis. 2023. "Horror Vacui: Racial Misalignment, Symbolic Repair, and Imperial Legitimation in German National Socialist Portrait Photography.” American Journal of Sociology 129(2), 2023
      • Amanda Cheong, “Theorizing Omission: State Strategies for Withholding Official Recognition of Personhood”Sociological Theory 41(4), 2023
  • Best Graduate Student Paper
    • Sam Dinger, “Un/predictable states: legal status regularization and the production of refugee precarity in Lebanon”
    • Syeda Masood, “Encountering the Global Color Line: Racialized Afghan Identity in Occupied Afghanistan”
  • Best Publication (Article) by an International Scholar
    • Winner: Areej Sabbagh-Khoury, “Citizenship as Accumulation by Dispossession: The Paradox of Settler Colonial Citizenship.” Sociological Theory 40(2), 2022: 151-178